
Sensing.   Recycling.   Revolutionizing

Introducing Higi

We are currently working on a revolutionary solution - Higi

 Higi (Helpful Interactive Guidance IoT device), is a miniaturized sensor suite that attaches to waste stations and provides audiovisual feedback to users on proper waste disposal while generating key metrics for sustainability reporting. This helps to ensure that the maximum amount of material is diverted from landfills while supporting facility conservation efforts.

The product is in the pilot phase. Stay tuned! 

About Us

Sensify is a smart waste solution provider that optimizes waste management processes and reduces environmental impacts. Using cutting-edge technology, we provide real-time data on waste generation, collection, and disposal to improve operational efficiency. 

By leveraging the power of data and technology, Sensify can help businesses and cities reduce costs associated with waste disposal, improve public health and safety, and reduce environmental impacts. Overall, Sensify's innovative smart waste solutions have the potential to transform the way we manage waste and create a more sustainable future. 


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